NaNoWriMo 2014 is almost here! And I need your help to get through it with my sanity in check!

Guys, seriously, I know I have dropped off the face of the earth for…well, a very long time.

There’s a reason for that.  I won’t go into it publicly, but I’ve had more than my share of issues this year.  I haven’t written in months, but that’s changing!  Tonight, I started the outlining process for my 2014 NaNoWriMo entry!

I’m writing a movie script, tentatively titled “Star Dorks”.  You can read all about it on my NaNo page!


Unfortunately, due to the issues I have had this year, money is tight and taking a month away from my job search (and other things) is going to be problematic.  I hate to beg for help, but I’ll just say that I’ll accept a Gift Card to just about anywhere that’s located in Louisville to help offset the costs of, well, living.  The places I usually buy stuff from are:

Walgreens (I buy many of my daily essentials online, I’ll also post a wishlist in a later post)

I also on occasion like to eat without cooking:

Papa John’s
Pizza Hut

If you can’t send an e-gift card to, email me and I will send you a mailing address.

I appreciate all of you, my fans, my followers, my friends.  I love you guys 🙂

NaNoWriMo update – 11/28/13: 50,173. I did it, everyone!

I win, bitches!

I’m Winner!

Okay, it’s been a very, very rough month, but today I got just what I needed during Thanksgiving festivities:  Enough downtime to sit and crank out the last couple thousand words I needed to get done with this portion of my novel.

I want to make it clear:  I am not done with this book.  I’m over 50,000 words into it, but the book is nowhere near finished.  I’ve written 50,000 words and the book has JUST gotten to what I consider “the good part”.

I just felt the need to bask in this for a little while.  ❤  I love you guys!

NaNoWriMo Update – Day 24

After a VERY rough past couple of weeks, I finally got VERY nearly caught up today.  I’m writing this as I’m heading to bed, but I managed to reach 37,751 words today.  This included 5,351 words today alone, and I have a very short work week this week.  I will be travelling during thanksgiving, but I never go anywhere without my laptop!

NaNoWriMo, consider me The Author Victorious!

NaNoWriMo Update – Day 8

So, this is a two-part update.

Over the weekend from November 1st through the 3rd, I was without internet at home.  I got a LOT done in those three days, averaging over 4000 words per day.

Since then, I have not had much time to be very productive, unfortunately.  I am still hovering at just under 14,000 words, my weekend buffer all used up, putting me behind the curve.  Work, social demands, and my own fucked up lack of motivation are wholly to blame.  That is changing TODAY.

I will be doing a “Marathon” session tomorrow, for as many hours as I can squeeze into the day.  I do have plans for a personal meeting tomorrow, but that should not be more than an hour or two.  Aside from that, I will be at home, LIVE STREAMING the writing process.

Watching someone write may not be the most exciting thing you can sit and watch.  I will readily admit that.  However, putting myself out into the public eye holds me a little more accountable than I would be otherwise, to be honest.

So, without further ado, I present my channel!

The second part of this post is a hearty “Thank You” to Zapper, one of my beta readers, proofreaders, and an all-around great writing buddy!

When I first told this god among men that I was planning to undertake this effort, he asked if there was anything he could do to help or support me in my efforts.  I was only maybe 1/4-serious when I said that if he wanted to help, all I really needed was Pizza and Energy drinks.  Lo and behold, though, the next day, my inbox had been graced his presence, attached were gift cards!  Zapper, you defied my expectations, and have provided this spectacular haul for me:


All the supplies a growing writer needs!

He has also so graciously provided me with some free pizza, although I haven’t redeemed that gift just yet.  Probably next week, as payday seems so far away right now..

NOTE: I am NOT in any way soliciting donations of foods and/or services from my other readers and friends.  I just feel like I should do something to let the world know exactly how awesome Zapper has been 🙂


So, I’m participating in this year’s NaNoWriMo challenge.  This is an absolute last-minute decision, but I have a clear idea of the story I want to tell.

For those of you not ‘in the know’, NaNoWriMo, or the National Novel Writing Month is a 30 day challenge to write a 50,000 word novel.  There are events all around the world (it’s worldwide, despite being “National”) where writers come and work together, and it’s a marathon of writing, ideas, and feedback!  I will probably average about 4 hours of sleep a night during November!

This is a completely separate story from the Rachel Graham series, although I will still be publishing it hopefully during the month of November.  I will also be making the post about the self-publishing process available within a day or two!

If any of you would like to join me in NaNoWriMo, you can add me as a writing buddy here.  I will be beginning work on the novel on Friday, and posting updates here as well as on the NaNoWriMo site!  Check back regularly so you don’t miss any updates!